
Spelling bee competition (International department)

Dozens of male and female students from the international department participated in the spelling bee competition with the aim of increasing the vocabulary of the English language by memorizing and spelling a certain number of words, which differ in different educational stages from the third to the fifth grade.
The competition will last for three days on the school stage, with the participation of a number of male and female teachers, including the organizer of the competition and the jury.
The competition aims, along with increasing the linguistic outcome of male and female students, to spread confidence in the hearts of male and female students, to develop the spirit of scientific competitions between them, to break the barrier of fear of scientific participation, and to enrich information in various aspects.
Where the student Eileen Muhammad Abu Faris won the first place at the level of the third grade.
Where the student Al-Farouk Mahmoud Abu Zeitouneh won the first place at the level of the fourth grade.

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