
Pearson International School Leaders Conference

Earlier this morning the annual Pearson International School Leaders Conference has launched its first days of its spectacular performance over 1,365 delegates from 124 countries across 6 continents in which the academic office of International knowledge School participated the Academic Director, Examinations office and all the Sections Coordinators.
Split over three days, the conference will connect the leaders with a host of inspiring speakers as they delve into the future thinking in education that will help the school continue to make progress towards the bright futures they are creating for the school and students.
Below is the conference agenda and the speaker line-up for Day 1 :-
? Welcome and introduction: leading in challenging times. ( By Emma Whale, Senior Vice President for International, Pearson School Qualifications ) .
? Managing change – be brave, be bold, be you ( By Victoria Humphries ) .
? Inclusive recruitment and retention ( By Kam Chohan, Executive Director ECIS ) .
? The international schools market in 2022-23: outlook, challenges and opportunities
( By Dr Fiona Rogers, COBIS Deputy CEO, Sarah Kupke, Head of Professional Learning at ECIS, Sam Fraser, Development Director at ISC Research and Chris Eversden, Assistant Director of Education at Cognita Spain ) .

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